Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This is one C-U-T-E family

I just can't get enough of these adorable kids.

Time with the cousins

It was a lot of fun hanging out with my sister's family.  I couldn't really decide on my favorite pics, but here are a few.  This one of Giovanni and his cousin who is only two months younger is sooo cute.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Look who's sitting up!

I can't believe how old this guy is getting.  He just starting sitting up while we were in Arkansas. Here's a couple shots of his attempts at Aunt Cassandra's house.

Grandma Partin

Here is Giovanni with Grandma Partin at one of our favorite places in Little Rock- The Star of India!  Jonathan, Melanie, Grandma, Giovanni and I took a trip to the Star while we were at home.  He's really a good baby for taking out with you.  He didn't make a peep almost the entire time!
Here's Giovanni hugging Grandma.  So sweet!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Partin Family Party

We were at home recently and these (and the pictures below) are a few from the family barbecue we had at Grandma and Gramps Partin's house.  Yea!  Fun times!

Family Barbecue

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Presenting: Anya!

We have a new niece!  Anya Weldon was born on June 7th!  Woohoo- what a cutie!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Giovanni's First Flight

Here's G's first airplane ride- we were on our way to visit the Partin Grands in Arkansas.  He also met his first famous person- we were sitting right behind Chris Allen and his wife, Katie.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Almost sitting up

I think he could do it, if he would just be satisfied to sit and not lurch forward at any solid object that might go into his mouth.