Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Nehrings visit and Giovanni transforms once again into Yoda

The Nehrings came up to visit since we're all on Spring Break.  Julia is such a nut.  She put on these crazy stockings that went to a chicken outfit, but wouldn't put on any other part of the costume.  Here Jonathan was pretending to be asleep, she snuck up to tickle him and he made a loud laughing sound that she thought was hilarious.

We were trying to show Joanna and Nick Giovanni's new costume.  It's funny- I think Giovanni got as much a kick out of it as Jonathan did.  He kept of laughing.  
I mean really, have you ever seen a cuter little jedi?  Click on the image to see it larger- he's sooo cute!


Jeff and Jan said...

Now that is just too funny. Great pix.

Carmelita said...

These pictures are so cute! Sounds like a hilarious day of dress-up!