Friday, October 23, 2009

Pulling everything out

Giovanni has started opening the cabinets and pulling out everything inside. Which is funny, except that any time I'm cleaning, he's working just as fast messing up.
He also says "ball" now. He's always saying "ball, ball, ball" and pointing, and sure enough I'll look around and there will be a ball: the giant red balls outside of target, baseball pinatas in hobby lobby, kids playing ball in the park. He can spot them from a mile away. What's funny is when he finds something that isn't quite a ball. I fed him eggs the other morning for breakfast, and when he had finished what he was eating, he pointed to the other egg and said "ball". This particular evening he decided that the potatoes under the kitchen cart were balls. I told him it was a stretch...although, he does know that a football is a ball, and it isn't round...

After all that hard work pulling everthing out, he had to take a rest on Daddy. Such a cute little sweet pea!

1 comment:

rosemary said...

Cute pictures! Impressive balancing skills G.